Why did God make fat and sugar taste so good?!


July 19, 2013 by ukdesperatehousewifeusa

God’s sugar rush

These title of this post were words uttered to me by my five year old son as I told him for the umpteenth time about good fats, bad fats, fructose, glucose, carbs and protein. And he still insists that it’s okay to eat two bags of chips and drink soda – no way, Sonny Jim!

sugar1I do go on to him about eating right, because I wasn’t completely educated about nutrition and what’s going to create issues later on in life when I was younger. And then I got ‘it’ll never happen to me’ blase about it all before it actually did happen. How far do we push these things with our kids? He gets the fitness thing and is always joining in runs and bootcamp and Zumba, which is mostly hysterical to watch.

But will I create a diet monster? This is a grave concern with young women today. Or will he be like I was with TV when that was restricted for me as a kid, and indulge in later life when there are no parental controls?  Only time will tell…


Exercise pill

Honestly, I’ve heard rumours. Crazy ones, mind you. All about a pill that you can take that stimulates your muscles and makes them think they are working out. It’s wrong for people who should be working out. Maybe for some people it will have benefits, but I say this: if you can get up off your arse, do it!

It hurts so good!

Despite a more relaxing summer than I had anticipated (have you tried exercising outdoors in this heat – not recommended!) I’ve been burning it up in the basement with a bit of tabata. What’s tabata? It’s HIIT which makes your heart rate soar and then drop again. And I love it! It hurts so good, really it does!!

– See more at: http://baltimorepostexaminer.com/why-did-god-make-fat-and-sugar-taste-good/2013/07/19#sthash.JI6SgvHA.dpuf

2 thoughts on “Why did God make fat and sugar taste so good?!

  1. JustMe says:

    This: “I do go on to him about eating right, because I wasn’t completely educated about nutrition and what’s going to create issues later on in life when I was younger.” + High Fructose Corn Syrup = The Reason America Is So Fat

    Seriously. When I was younger I was told to center my diet around lots of bread and pasta (read: carbohyrdates) with some greens and a bit of protein. NO FAT and watch the sugar. Wrong wrong wrong. Only now, decades later, are we figuring this out. Throw in everyone having “air-con” (as you Brits say) and internet/videogames/zillion TV channels and we just keep getting fatter.

    Also: Your body craves sugar because nothing in nature that tastes sweet is poison so your body is signaling that what you are eating is safe (i.e. fruit).

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